Saturday 28 March 2015

Bed Bug Repellent Toronto

Bed Bug Repellent Toronto

Bed Bug Repellent

Often when people discover that their home has been invaded by bed bugs, their first inclination is to search online for a bed bug repellent.  Similar to mosquitoes, toronto public health bed bugs feed on human blood and cause itchy, rash-like symptoms on the skin.  Naturally, people know that there are spray on mosquito repellents, so it would seem appropriate that something similar exists for bed bugs.  Unfortunately, this is not really the case.  There is no chemical or natural method to repel bed bugs other than to destroy them when they move in.

Bed Bug Repellents that you see online are a confusing term, because they are really insecticides designed to destroy and kill the bugs and their eggs, not repel them.  Mosquito repellent works because it provides a noxious odor that the insects to not like, and it masks the natural odor of our breath and sweat so the mosquitoes can’t find us.  Bed bugs are not attracted by the same scents as mosquitoes, so we cannot target the same pathways to turn them off.  Instead, a proper bed bug treatment strategy is more complex and involves complete removal and eradication of the existing population as well as taking preventative steps to ensure they cannot return to our bedding.

Removing bed bugs from your home requires a multi-pronged strategy that includes physically destroying the existing colony of bed bugs infestation toronto, eradicating the newly hatched nymphs as they emerge from their eggs over the next several weeks, and permanently creating a physical barrier to their return by eliminating the points of entry to our beds.

A truly effective home bed bug removal plan will cost you significant time and money – but the investment is much cheaper than replacing an expensive mattress that may end up quickly infested because the problem was improperly dealt with in the first place.

Spend the required investment in the proper tools to remove your toronto bed bug control and you will give yourself peace of mind for the future and still be able to keep your existing bedroom set.  Again, there is no such thing as a bed bug repellent, only a comprehensive and permanent strategy to deal with the infestation once and for all.

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