Saturday 28 March 2015

Bed Bug Traps Toronto | bed bug treatment Toronto

Bed Bug Traps Toronto

Bed Bug Traps

Bed bug traps are a useful tool in the homeowner or apartment manager’s arsenal for exposing an infestation quickly.  Traps are inexpensive, easy to use, and harmless to humans, so they are really a no brainer as your first line of defense.  If you suspect you may have bed bugs removal in toronto your home but you aren’t quite sure, you should implement some bed bug traps right away to be sure.  However, keep in mind that bed bug traps are not the same thing as roach or ant traps.

Traps intended for roaches and ants, which are often placed and left around the home on a continual basis, are really meant as a prevention and extermination tool.  Roaches or ants enter the trap which contains a toxic bait and then after ingesting it they carry it back to their colony where the rest of the pests will be destroyed.  Bed bugs control toronto cannot be eliminated in this way, because they will not feed on anything but legitimate blood.  The purpose of a bed bug trap then, is to simply call attention when there is an infestation so it can be dealt with appropriately.

How Does a Bed Bug Trap Work?

Bed bugs feed on warm blooded mammals, especially humans.  They are not exactly intelligent creatures, so they rely on simple biological triggers to find their next meal.  Specifically, they are attracted to the warmth and humidity that results from a human body at rest and breathing out warm moist air.
Bed bug traps mimic these signals by using reusable cartridges which, when activated, will emit similar heat and moisture signatures as a human being.  The bed bug exterminator toronto is then attracted to the device, where it will enter to explore and become trapped in a glue surface and be unable to escape.

Using Bed Bug Traps is Easy

To use a trap you simply open a fresh cartridge and place it inside your bed bug monitor, which is designed to replicate the appearance of a tasty bed bug dinner.  The trap should be left in a room where humans will not be sleeping, this way the heat and moisture from the trap is not competing with heat and moisture from a person.  This could confuse the bed bug treatment Toronto and result in them feeding on you instead of going to the trap.
Once the trap has been in place for one to four days, simply open the cover and see if any bugs have been found.  There’s your answer.  If you see adult and nymph bed bugs embedded in the glue, it’s time to get serious with a plan to eradicate the nuisance from your house.

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