Wednesday 8 July 2015

Best Way to Get Rid of Bed Bugs - toronto bed bug exterminator

toronto bed bug exterminator
Bed bugs are definitely on the rise. With an increase of over 500% in the last few years, there’s a good chance that bed bugs may reach your home soon, if they haven’t already. Bed bugs are a nuisance and can cause itching, discomfort, and a general feeling of dirtiness.
Unlike a few spiders or cockroaches, bed bugs aren’t something you can get rid of simply by stepping on them. If you do find yourself with an infestation, you need to know the best way to get rid of bed bugs right away. The longer you wait, the more bed bugs you’ll have.
The most proven solution to getting rid of bed bugs is thermal remediation. This heat treatment eliminates all of the bugs, including the eggs. With thermal remediation, you get one quick and non-toxic solution that gets rid of all of your bed bug problems. Other treatments like pesticides and over-the-counter traps only get a few of the bugs. With heat treatments, every crevice of a home is penetrated, meaning every bug is killed.
When you are ready to get rid of your bed bugs, contact Just Bugs for the safest and most effective treatment possible. There’s no doubt that heat treatments are the best way to get rid of bed bugs. With thermal remediation, you can rest assured that all of your bed bugs are gone from the moment the treatment is complete.

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