Wednesday 15 April 2015

Getting Rid of Bed Bugs In The House

Getting rid of bed bugs in the house can be a painful task. Bed bugs are small flat reddish-brown insects that crawl into cracks, beds, furniture and other hidden places. They normally emerge at night to look for food and that is when they bite and suck blood. They multiply in a very fast rate and one female can lay between 200-500 eggs in their lifetime. Living under normal room temperature and with enough food, they can live up to 300 days. They can thrive in a clean environment and the best way to deal with them is by eliminating them as soon as they are noticed. No matter how much one cleans the house, you cannot get rid of them. Since bed bugs are very tiny insects, they can hide in the most unlikely places like tiny cracks, in bags and other personal items. This means that you can easily carry them from a hotel or hike into homes. When they start multiplying, it is very difficult to get rid of them unless one seeks the services of a good pest control company that specializes in getting rid of bed bugs in the home. Ways of getting rid of bed bugs in the house include:

Check all the hidden corners for any signs of the bed bugs. The signs to look out for include tiny rust colored spots on the bed sheets and seams. One should also check cracks, beneath the beds, the bed frame and other furniture
Remove all luggage from the bed or any that is hang on the walls since can hide on wall cracks
Remove all the clutter where they may be hiding
When buying second hand furniture, one should check them carefully and have them treated before being brought into the house
Wash and dry bed linen using the highest temperature allowed for the fabric. Steam cleaning is recommended
Conduct regular checks in the house especially after moving in, after a trip or after having visitors
Using chemicals to get rid of them might be most effective but one needs to get it from a pest control company. When doing it, the room should be well ventilated
There is no guaranteed way to ensure that they do not come back but one should try using an ultrasonic pest repeller. It emits high level electromagnetic signals which are only heard by the bed bugs. If you have any other great ides on getting rid of bed bugs in the house please leave a comment bellow.

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