Wednesday 15 April 2015

How Do You Get Bed Bugs In Your Bed

Bedbugs are very tiny insects and it would be very difficult to notice them unless one is looking for them. They hide in under beds, cracks, bed joints, electric sockets, picture flames and other hidden places. They get out at night to bite after which they crawl back to their hiding places.

One of the best ways to deal with a problem is to know its cause. There are many ways of how you get bed bugs into your bed. Some of them include:

If one was traveling and was living in a place which had the insects, they can crawl and hitchhike to the bags and this way they move into the new house. This way, bedbugs have been able to move from one continent to another by just getting into a traveler’s luggage. People are normally advised to vacuum their luggage as soon as they travel back home
If one is living in an apartment and in one of the houses there are bedbugs, they can crawl to the other connected houses. The only way to avoid this is to ensure that your apartment is fumigated
Buying a new piece of second hand furniture – when one is buying some new furniture, they need to check it for these bugs and have them thoroughly cleaned. It is said that the bed bugs are so small and one should assume they are everywhere. One should not pick furniture that has been dumped
Moving into a new house. One can move into a new house that already had bed bugs hiding in there.
There are people’s whose work involves moving from house to house like plumbing. Here, some of the insects can crawl into their clothes
People who come visiting can come with them
Some animals like bats can also bring them though it is very rare
It should be noted that the bug’s infestation has nothing to do with poor hygiene. They can thrive well in a very clean house. Nor has it got to do anything with the rich or the poor. They can live anywhere so long as there are cracks and other hidden places that they can hide.

Since they are flat and small in size, they are barely noticeable.

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