Wednesday 8 July 2015

Bed bug heat treatment Toronto - Be smart

Bed bug heat treatment Toronto
JustHeat Treatment - Thermal Remediation to Kill Bed Bugs in GTA Greater Toronto Area: Mississauga, Richmond Hill, Scarborough, Ajax, Whiitby, Oshawa, Courtice, Markham, North York, Etobicoke and Surrounding Areas.

Best Way to Get Rid of Bed Bugs - toronto bed bug exterminator

toronto bed bug exterminator
Bed bugs are definitely on the rise. With an increase of over 500% in the last few years, there’s a good chance that bed bugs may reach your home soon, if they haven’t already. Bed bugs are a nuisance and can cause itching, discomfort, and a general feeling of dirtiness.

How To Avoid Bringing Bed Bugs Home From A Hotel Stay - Bed Bugs Removal Toronto

Bed Bugs Removal Toronto
​If you’re a frequent traveler, or got stranded in a tiny town late at night when the only vacant place to stay was a sketchy little motel, this has probably crossed your mind. Bed bugs are a real and scary thing, as you probably were surprised to learn only in the last decade or so.

Why Bed Bug Treatments Should Be Left to the Pros

As bed bugs continue to infest more and more homes, many people look for cheap and easy ways to get rid of them. Although there are many do-it-yourself solutions currently available on the market, these treatments are often ineffective and can even be dangerous. There are many reasons why bed bug treatments should be left to the pros. If you are worried about bed bugs in your home, it’s best to contact a professional to make sure the infestation is taken care of properly the first time.
One reason why bed bug treatments should be left to the pros is for safety reasons. One common treatment that people use to try and eradicate bed bugs is the administration of pesticides. Using these chemicals can be very harmful if not done properly. If you choose the wrong type of pesticides, you can develop health problems and become ill. Remember, you are tapping yourself in the house with these pesticides, and these chemicals are designed to kill. It’s best to let qualified professionals handle any potentially dangerous chemicals.
Aside from health problems that you may accidentally cause, another reason why bed bug treatments should be left to the pros is because self-administered remedies can actually make the infestation worse. Some bed bug treatments simply push the bugs into deeper corners and crevices, making it even more difficult to kill them. It’s also not a good idea to try to get rid of the bed bugs yourself by simply removing furniture and mattresses that have been infected. When you move these items through your house, the bed bugs spread to all areas.
If you have a bed bug problem, it’s best to contact a professional who can get rid of the bugs the right way on the first try. For the best results, call a properly trained exterminator that uses heat treatments that are guaranteed to work. 

Bed Bugs found at two Scarborough Libraries

During the last month, bed bugs have been reported at the Cedarbrae and Kennedy-Eglinton libraries. Toronto Public Library (TPL) takes all reported incidents seriously.  Last year TPL had a budget of $151,000 to deal with bed bugs, including inspections, carpet and upholstry shampooing, along with daily cleaning. In addition, the staff is schooled in the protocol of how to deal with bed bugs in returned books. The items are bagged and given to pest control facilities within 24 hours. Inspection, cleaning and chemical treatment by a professional pest control company follows.
Library staff is also encouraging visitors to inform them if they have bed bugs in their homes and to not use the drop-off chutes if that is the case.
Should you discover that a library book is indeed infested with bed bugs, bag the item immediately and return it to the library. You should also inform the staff of the problem. 
In 2012, 22 confirmed bed bug incidents were reported in the library system across the city. Also in 2012, the TPL had 19 million visitors accessing 33 million items.

Safe Pesticide Use

None of us like to be pestered by pests of any kind. At the same time, it’s not unusual for homeowners and business owners to have concerns about the pesticides we sometimes use to control them. When and how should pesticides be used? Are they really safe?
Just Bugs shares your concerns. We understand that sometimes, a non-chemical method of control is as effective and convenient as a chemical alternative. As a result, our skilled technicians use a multitude of techniques – vacuuming, exclusion, heat, steam and more – to minimize the amount of chemicals in your space while eliminating the pests that invade our spaces.
All products we use have been approved by Health Canada. Before a pesticide is considered for registration in Canada, it must undergo extensive testing to determine the potential risk to human health and the environment by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA).
PMRA carefully reviews all submitted data and cross-checks between studies as an additional measure of validation of its final decisions. The Agency may also compare its results with regulatory counterparties in other countries, such as the U.S. and members of the European Union, to ensure that conclusions are consistent.

Why Heat Treatment?

If you are experiencing the trauma of a bed bug infestation and feel the need to eradicate the bed bugs immediately, heat treatment is the best solution. It is however, not the only effective solution. Companies that offer heat as the only answer are not giving you the full story. Chemical solutions, when done by licensed, properly trained and conscientious professionals are also effective. There is a downside to chemical treatments in that there is a fair amount of preparation that the home owner must manage prior to the treatment. For a complete list of how to prepare for a chemical treatment see our prep sheet section on the top of our homepage.

All products we use have been approved by Health Canada. Before a pesticide is considered for registration in Canada, it must undergo extensive testing to determine the potential risk to human health and the environment by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA). PMRA carefully reviews all submitted data and cross-checks between studies as an additional measure of validation of its final decisions. The Agency may also compare its results with regulatory counterparties in other countries, such as the U.S. and members of the European Union, to ensure that conclusions are consistent.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

Everyone want to know how to get rid of bed bugs! Bed bugs happen to be quite a new phenomenon in the sense that many people were not thinking about them.  The bed bug issue was not something that the general population was giving much thought about.  The process of learning how to get rid of bed bugs is not something that movie theaters in New York had to worry about in the past.  A bed bug is not necessarily something to fear, but it is something that you should make a note of.  The purpose of learning how to get rid of bed bugs can certainly make customers in that movie theater more comfortable.

The locations that bed bugs are showing up may have some people misunderstanding the phrase, these bugs are not just going to show up in your bed.  They can show up in your garage, a restaurant, your cabin, etc.


High powered steam pumps are one way to get rid of bed bugs, in a way this can be viewed as a sort of good way to end up smoking the bed bugs out.  The steamers are going to leave a sort of fog over some of the most infected areas.  A clan of bed bugs is likely to show up in different cracks in your walls.  Some people may think that water pumps could work as people learn how to get rid of bed bugs, but the truth is that water would likely just a large infestation.  Bugs generally are very good at survival in wet conditions, this includes bed bugs.

Shell Dust

Many people really like the idea of using shell dust to get rid of the bed bugs.  You may even be able to find some of this shell dust at a traditional farm store in the Midwest, but it can be a more difficult bed bug eliminating option to find in many of your bigger cities. Shell dust can be fairly hard to find in a place like New York City where they have had some of the biggest infestations of bed bugs.  A person who does enjoy getting their hands dirty may just want to call an exterminator to work with the shell and other methods if they can’t figure out another way how to get rid of bed bugs.


There are certain forms of Bed Bug Powder that can get a lot of people the kind of rest and relaxation that they need away from the bed bugs.  The organic powder can end up working as a way to dehydrate the bed bugs.  A lot of people may not think that a rather bland looking powder would be enough to kill the bed bugs, but in most cases it truly is enough to finish the job.


The running of a vacuum on a regular basis can limit the amount of bed bugs that end up showing up at your home.  It does not have to be a particular brand of vacuum, there are just loud noises and a clean room that can truly scare the bed bugs away.  The vacuum is only part of the solution, the process of doing the laundry more often is another way to attempt to keep the bed bugs away.  The bed bugs can get in your sheets and in your clothes if you do not do the laundry often enough and cannot find the time to make sure your bed sheets are clean.  The bed bugs also like to find their way to sleeping bags.  This is important to remember when you are trying to teach other people how to get rid of bed bugs.
If none of these methods work you can always call a professional pest control company and they can help get rid of those nasty bed bugs!

How Do You Get Bed Bugs In Your Bed

Bedbugs are very tiny insects and it would be very difficult to notice them unless one is looking for them. They hide in under beds, cracks, bed joints, electric sockets, picture flames and other hidden places. They get out at night to bite after which they crawl back to their hiding places.

One of the best ways to deal with a problem is to know its cause. There are many ways of how you get bed bugs into your bed. Some of them include:

If one was traveling and was living in a place which had the insects, they can crawl and hitchhike to the bags and this way they move into the new house. This way, bedbugs have been able to move from one continent to another by just getting into a traveler’s luggage. People are normally advised to vacuum their luggage as soon as they travel back home
If one is living in an apartment and in one of the houses there are bedbugs, they can crawl to the other connected houses. The only way to avoid this is to ensure that your apartment is fumigated
Buying a new piece of second hand furniture – when one is buying some new furniture, they need to check it for these bugs and have them thoroughly cleaned. It is said that the bed bugs are so small and one should assume they are everywhere. One should not pick furniture that has been dumped
Moving into a new house. One can move into a new house that already had bed bugs hiding in there.
There are people’s whose work involves moving from house to house like plumbing. Here, some of the insects can crawl into their clothes
People who come visiting can come with them
Some animals like bats can also bring them though it is very rare
It should be noted that the bug’s infestation has nothing to do with poor hygiene. They can thrive well in a very clean house. Nor has it got to do anything with the rich or the poor. They can live anywhere so long as there are cracks and other hidden places that they can hide.

Since they are flat and small in size, they are barely noticeable.

Getting Rid of Bed Bugs In The House

Getting rid of bed bugs in the house can be a painful task. Bed bugs are small flat reddish-brown insects that crawl into cracks, beds, furniture and other hidden places. They normally emerge at night to look for food and that is when they bite and suck blood. They multiply in a very fast rate and one female can lay between 200-500 eggs in their lifetime. Living under normal room temperature and with enough food, they can live up to 300 days. They can thrive in a clean environment and the best way to deal with them is by eliminating them as soon as they are noticed. No matter how much one cleans the house, you cannot get rid of them. Since bed bugs are very tiny insects, they can hide in the most unlikely places like tiny cracks, in bags and other personal items. This means that you can easily carry them from a hotel or hike into homes. When they start multiplying, it is very difficult to get rid of them unless one seeks the services of a good pest control company that specializes in getting rid of bed bugs in the home. Ways of getting rid of bed bugs in the house include:

Check all the hidden corners for any signs of the bed bugs. The signs to look out for include tiny rust colored spots on the bed sheets and seams. One should also check cracks, beneath the beds, the bed frame and other furniture
Remove all luggage from the bed or any that is hang on the walls since can hide on wall cracks
Remove all the clutter where they may be hiding
When buying second hand furniture, one should check them carefully and have them treated before being brought into the house
Wash and dry bed linen using the highest temperature allowed for the fabric. Steam cleaning is recommended
Conduct regular checks in the house especially after moving in, after a trip or after having visitors
Using chemicals to get rid of them might be most effective but one needs to get it from a pest control company. When doing it, the room should be well ventilated
There is no guaranteed way to ensure that they do not come back but one should try using an ultrasonic pest repeller. It emits high level electromagnetic signals which are only heard by the bed bugs. If you have any other great ides on getting rid of bed bugs in the house please leave a comment bellow.